
Hey, I'm Conor. I'm a product manager and data scientist.

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🌍 Notes on A Man Without a Country

Aug 10, 20243 min • Reading

A Man Without a Country is a collection of essays from author Kurt Vonnegut. It’s a short and informal read, like chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee, a friend with uniquely lighthearted and thoughtful views...

🙏 28 Principles for 28 Years

Aug 01, 20244 min • Life

I turned 28 years old a few weeks ago. It feels simply alright. I’m both as grateful as ever, and things are as hard as ever. I’ve written some version of this post each year, for the last 6 years...

🚸 Proposal for a Less Common Career Path

Jul 31, 20244 min • Career

There are a seemingly endless number of ways to make a living today. This optionality can paralyze young people, and rightfully so, as it all feels very permanent and important...

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