I turned 28 years old a few weeks ago. It feels alright. I’m both as grateful as ever, and things are as hard as ever. I’ve written some version of this post each year, for the last 6 years. When I started this series in 2018, I think I viewed it as a way to both catalog and share acquired ”wisdom” with others:

I don’t know if all of these principles will resonate with anyone else, or even if they’ll still resonate with me when I look at this a year from now. Some of them probably won’t. We are constantly growing, adapting, and transforming. Nothing is static. However, the fact still remains that these ideas helped make me who I am today.

It’s funny that the older I get, the less I believe that I have any worthwhile “wisdom” or “principles” to share with others. Part of that is self-deprecation, but the other part holds truth: Nobody really knows.

You can read a million pieces of advice, self-improvement books, and actionable insights. Life, happiness, and fulfillment aren’t solvable problems. We’re all just doing our best. So I think that's what this post really is. It’s a handful of ideas that are helping me do my best, at this specific point, after 28 years on this pale blue dot. Maybe they are able to spark something for you.

Author’s note: I’ve added a ⭐️ next to the principles that are new this year. This helps me see how my mindset changes from one post to the next.
  1. There’s nothing more important than relationships with those you care about.
  2. Both bad and good things happen in waves.
  3. Confrontation doesn’t equal conflict. It’s how you go about it.
  4. Don’t treat mysteries as puzzles. Not everything can be answered. ⭐️
  5. In all things, double down on what works.
  6. Experience stretching steals wonder from life. Appreciate the simple. ⭐️
  7. Most decisions should be made on 1-2 variables alone.
  8. You’re probably taking parts of your life far too seriously.
  9. Don't latch your identify onto outcomes. They won't last forever.
  10. Take time to understand how you have been programmed.
  11. Work backwards from the outcomes you want to see.
  12. You can’t enjoy highs without experiencing lows. Life is a pendulum. ⭐️
  13. Nobody can teach us the things that matter in life.
  14. Explore the perspectives that you disagree with most.
  15. Don’t overreact when you feel stuck. ⭐️
  16. A little gratitude goes a long way.
  17. Comfort isn’t weakness.
  18. Find little things to care about. Even if they are silly.
  19. Breakdowns can be essential to dislodge us from an undesirable state. ⭐️
  20. Learning new things rarely disappoints as a source of fulfillment.
  21. Life doesn’t get easier. You’ll never “have it all figured out,” and that’s okay.
  22. Breathe. Breathe again. Breathe one more time. Repeat. ⭐️
  23. Rituals create meaning in a world where meaning is hard to find. ⭐️
  24. Intelligence doesn’t mean pessimism.
  25. The things that are worthwhile are never easy.
  26. Make time for reflection. It doesn’t happen naturally.
  27. Ambition can also be desire to preserve the current state. ⭐️
  28. Things aren’t nearly as black-and-white as you think they are.

If you're interested in running back the tape, you can find reflections from previous years below. I hope you found something meaningful here. See you next year.

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